Monday, June 30, 2014

i dreamed . . .

. . . I opened my wallet and found a photograph — my mom as a young girl standing on one leg. And all the children around her are standing on one leg. It’s the start of a one-legged race, it seems, and they’re on their marks, ready to go.

     I opened my wallet and found a photograph — a Kindergarten class. It must be St. Patrick’s Day, because everyone’s in green. My mom’s wearing an emerald green dress tied at the waist with an apron, like Alice in Wonderland but green. Then a sign said, “NO TRESPASSING. The FBI will be alerted."

     I backed my SUV down the steep forest lane, sliding into a ditch. I panicked I was so lost. I knew I’d taken the levee road through Henderson Swamp, but there was no way I’d be able to retrace that snaking path, not in my current condition. I’d have to take Grand Bois Road to Parks, then Section 28 back to Catahoula. It wasn’t exactly a short-cut, but I could drive it with my eyes closed.