Sunday, December 30, 2012

i dreamed . . .

. . . I performed a series of aerial acrobatic maneuvers in an enormous domed skateboard park. It must have been a mile high. Flapping my arms I ascended to the iron arches forming the ceiling of the dome and did backward somersaults all the way down to the smoothly undulating concrete floor where I grabbed a handful of lozenge-shaped reindeer lichens from a glass platter and swallowed them whole.

Then I sprang upward and tumbled forward, landing on my feet after several mid-air revolutions. A crowd began to throw gifts: copper coins, knotted kerchiefs, shattered cassette tapes, palm fronds. Powered by the magic of the reindeer lichens, I rocketed upward and stayed airborne for several minutes, arching and twisting my body to introduce interesting gymnastic elements into my performance. Once I'd floated back down to the floor, a smiling woman offered me a bacon and cheese sandwich, but with a deflated soccer ball substituting for the bacon.