Friday, January 29, 2010

the ethel slice

photo: jetheriot

My mom always asked for an ethel slice of dessert. I assumed it was a standard measurement. Turns out, my mom had a friend who had a mother named Ethel. The tiny slices were named after her. Was Ethel thin? Was Ethel resourceful? I know nothing of Ethel except for the size of her slices.

To be precise, an ethel slice is a diminutive quantity of a sliceable food such as cake or pie or roast, halfway between a sliver and a slice. What is the difference between a sliver and an ethel slice? A sliver is not quite a slice: an ethel slice is. Truth be told, a few bites of cake are often more than enough anyway. A big block of cake can be uninviting. Yes, the ethel slice is smaller, but it is also more scrumptiously proportioned. It satisfies a sweet tooth with the deliciousness of restraint. Often you want only a little.